lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008

To Have or not to have children

Children are fine, but they are not something I need right now, some people who does want to have babies have been called selfish and unfeeling I think they don’t need kids to have fun. The thought of not to have kids has never crossed my mind and I absolutely adore kids.

I want getting on the successful track and have a family. The unknown of it fascinates me and makes me feel well; when I get out of bed in the mornings. I used to think that I don't know who I will marry and I don't know how many kids I'll have, if they will be boys or girls, how my husband and I'll name them, its so exciting.

But all that I know is all my decisions yesterday, today, and tomorrow determine my future and will have an effect on my future husband and children's lives.
I am so excited to share what I`m going to bring to this world with someone else.
I am so excited to share the rest of my life with someone that I lovely care about.
I am even more excited to create children that have pieces of me and will impact my world in many ways.

What is going to happen with my future… who knows!!!

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